Drug Treatment

Substance Abuse, Drug, Alcohol, Addiction Recovery and Treatment Programs

At Journey Malibu, we make it our mission to offer our residents a variety of current, comprehensive drug recovery and alcohol treatment solutions that is unmatched anywhere else.


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After your initial assessment, you will have an opportunity to participate in the development of your treatment program, drawn from the most effective and most appropriate modalities we offer. We are also able to adjust a client’s program throughout their stay at Journey Malibu, depending on their overall health, interests, and proactive engagement. In trying to restore balance to our guest’s physiological systems, we tailor our programs to address their long-term emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical health. Ironically, the impact of providing such a broad range of programs is to help narrow the focus of our guests’ paths to recovery.

A list of our programs will give you a good idea of the broad range we’re talking about. The list includes, but is not limited to the following:

Program Features



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The Evolution of A Revolutionary Treatment Program

In developing the Journey Malibu program, we studied the most effective modality and drug addiction rehabilitation and alcohol treatment programs worldwide.

Here in the U.S., we paid special attention to the programs offered in Southern California, Arizona, Florida, and Minnesota, the 4 states from which the best-known recovery “models” have emerged. Our findings were enlightening, instructive, and motivating: while some of the centers we studied achieved varying degrees of success in treating addiction, many of their claimed recovery rates were often greatly exaggerated. This meant that the addicts and alcoholics in these programs might have initially responded to the treatment modalities offered there, but was not able to maintain long-term sobriety after leaving the facilities.

gasparWe see this single-minded focus on one treatment program, the dogged adherence to a single methodology, as an inherent reason many clients do not recover sufficiently to sustain their sobriety for any significant period of time. Consequently, we have assembled a group of nationally renowned therapists, who have made important contributions to some of the most successful Recovery Centers in the country.

Speak confidentially with a Journey Malibu counselor today.

Recovery Treatment That Is Expertly-Guided and Compassionately Administered

Journey Malibu combines the most effective aspects of all the programs we’ve studied, and integrates them into a multi-dimensional approach to recovery that delivers the best core treatment aspects of them all.

On their own, the various therapies we listed above can be very effective at beginning to heal the root causes of our guests’ addictions. But when synthesized by an experienced staff that is passionate about treating the specific needs of each guest, the end result is a Custom Tailored Drug Treatment Program that is nothing short of miraculous. This “one-stop” treatment program truly addresses the whole person as they move through the trauma of addiction that has plagued them for so long, and toward the freedom, joy, and sobriety they desire and deserve.

If you’re serious and motivated about your recovery and are seeking a revolutionary, integrated treatment program, make JOURNEY MALIBU your destination.

Your confidential call will be directed to our admissions staff immediately to help get the help you need now.

Call Our Helpline Now At (888) 717-5643.